Golden blood

Golden blood

What do you know about the most rare blood type in the world...  When talking about blood types, there are known blood types "A", "B", "AB" and "O" which are large groups of blood types that fall un…

What do you know about the most rare blood type in the world... 

When talking about blood types, there are known blood types "A", "B", "AB" and "O" which are large groups of blood types that fall under many classifications ...Gg

But have you ever heard about the golden blood type?Or Rh-null?aa

Rhnull blood type is one of the most rare blood types,that are found in about 40 people around the world , so it is called the golden blood type


What is it? And in what does its owners differ from those of other blood groups?Why do blood types differ?hhh

The secret of the difference between blood types is that the surfaces of our blood cells are covered with compounds called antigens, its  number is 342.
Antigens are chemical compounds that work to generate antibodies that fight infection in the body, and the human blood type is determined based on the presence or absence of these antigens.

160 of the 342 antigens are common and widespread among a large number of people, and blood is determined to be rare if it lacks the antigens for which 99% of people are positive, and if the person becomes lacking the antigen for which 99.99% of people are positive, then his blood type becomes Severely rare.

Discovery of golden blood!

It goes back to the year 1961 when scientists discovered a very rare blood type called "Rh-null" or as they called it golden blood, as it lacked 61 antigens in the blood group system.
In the following 49 years, only 43 people around the world were registered with this rare type of blood. One of these famous cases is the 10-year-old child, "Thomas", who went in 1974 to the University of Geneva Hospital to get an examination for an infection.

There were 35 known blood groups, and Thomas did not have any of them, whether positive or negative, he did not have any RH antigens to talk about, so technically Thomas should not be alive.

Shock affected the attending physician and decided to send Thomas, to Amsterdam and Paris, to conduct blood tests, and it was confirmed that he had a very rare blood type, "Rh-null".
The idea is that if you have Rh-null blood type, be prepared to become the focus of attention of scientists and doctors as well, because they simply want to study it, in addition to that you will have the ability to save the life of a person with the same type, as it is a rare blood type and its owners need donors around the world, But be aware that mixing blood types with different ones can be fatal

What does it mean for your blood to be golden?

People with the "Rhnull" blood group can lead completely normal lives and have children, but they often become infected with anemia.

Life seems different for these people, as they only need special care. They must drive cars, for example, with great care and avoid injuries and accidents as much as possible. For this type of blood, there are very few donors amounting to only 17 donors, and doctors are keen to estimate the donor blood samples They do well and they use it very rarely.

but,What if transferring to the owners of golden blood another type?

The dilemma in which the owners of golden blood fall is that, like others, only blood of the same type can be transferred to them, and because their blood type is very rare, they will not find a large number of donors.

When a person receives blood from a donor, the immune system will receive only the antigens that fit their blood type, and if you receive the wrong blood type, your immune system will attack the red blood cells, the results of which are catastrophic and fatal.

written by/Rasheda Elbohy


3) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326279#genetics

What do you know about the most rare blood type in the world...  When talking about blood types, there are known blood types "A", "B", "AB" and "O" which are large groups of blood types that fall un…

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