There is a disease that is very common among most Egyptian people, and this disease can lead to a lot of damage in the human body, that is anemia. Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate o…
Our immune system is considered as an integrated model of unity, communication, and cooperation, which always works for keeping our bodies, in a favorable state as well as keeps it surviving. To become our immune system what it is, it was …
Robot's World
Robotics is a cross-section of science, engineering, and technology that creates devices, called robots, that replace (or replicate) human behavior. The mission to be performed by the robot is difficult, accurate, or sensitive work, suc…
The Historian
There are rocks all over us. They are the backbones of the hills and mountains and the pillars of the plains and valleys. Under the soil on which you walk, and the deep layers of soft mud that surround the ocean basins, and bear fossils,…
خفاش يعلن حرب من نوع أخر
الثانى عشر من آذار لعام ألفين واحد وعشرين تلك الذكرى السنويه ...لمحتل لم يعدم استقلال بلد واحده وانما سطو على العالم أجمع... أصاب القلوب بالرهاب فأصبح الجميع لديه وسواس قهرى من جانب النظافه تأاكلت الايدى من فرط الاغتسال بين حين وأخر ..م…
ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a mental health disorder that can cause above-normal levels of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Both adults and children can have ADHD. A d ADHD in Adults ADHD can last into adulth…
Emitting light from silicon
While 2020 has been a hard year for many of us, people still show that some positive events and accidents can be achieved. And as the world continues to evolve technology, scientists are continuing to make breakthroughs on the ground. d …
فاكهة الشوكولا
من منا لا يعشق الشوكولا أو لم يحب تناولها فى اي وقت من اوقات اليوم، وجميعنا نعلم ان المكون الرئيسى لها هو الكاكاو، ولكن للاسف فهى تحتوى على سعرات حرارية عالية، فتخيل معى عزيزى القارىء لو توجد فاكهة كالشوكولا؟ و لكن لما التخيل، وفاكهة الشو…
From the beginning of the pandemic until today, more than 144,738,904 million cases of Coronavirus has been reported in all countries of the world, which resulted in more than 2,222,403 million deaths. AA The emerging virus was first dis…